Walnut Room this way

Walnut Room this way

Monday, January 9, 2012

Cooking Lessons after a long day

After a brief planning meeting this morning for the day's schedule, the students headed out on assignment and I headed to Oxford. I had to go to the clinic to get my stitches out.

On return to Mound Bayou, they updated me on all the accomplishments they had done, including some incredible pictures. I'll get those posted at the end of the week back home. I got back 2 hours late and we needed groceries before cooking supper. That took an hour. Faith wanted me to teach her how to make the Delta chicken so she was my apprentice since I can't use that hand yet. She is a quick study and the chicken was incredible! We also had baked sweet potatoes from the produce stand on the corner, rice, Mac and cheese. I made a pineapple upside down cake on the stovetop since the stovetop peach cobbler went over so well yesterday.

It was almost nine by the time we ate and everyone was tired. We cleaned up the kitchen though and decided to do an hour later start tomorrow. We are all getting weary. :)

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