Walnut Room this way

Walnut Room this way

Sunday, March 2, 2014

You want me to sleep where?

 Libby is not happy when I have things done to my body that require a dog not walk on it.  It has been pretty amusing every night watching her try to become invisible when it looks like time to get in the crate.  She puts her foot over her eyes and becomes very still, hoping if she can't see us...

During the day when I am awake and alert, I leave her out as she generally just curls up next to me to go to sleep, and I protect myself with pillows from an unsuspected sudden impulse by a dog to take the shortcut across my legs to get to the floor or the door.  When she hears "off" she knows it doesn't matter what is going on, she has to get off the bed right then.  I had been icing my thigh and trying to rearrange my pillows, using my grabber tool while Rand was working on my computer to set up my virtual classroom for Tuesday.  I used it last summer with no problem but now Java is not cooperating.  Needless to say, we were all a bit frustrated: need virtual classroom and the virtual part where I see them and they see me does not want to work; Rand, who never ever gets a day off from work--if it isn't his real work calling, it is his friends and family--"can you tell me why..."  "I can't get my computer to..." and so on and so on and so on; Libby because she really really wanted to see what I was trying to do with the grabber tool and I really did not want her to...
I knew it was going to happen, but it my momentary frustration at task failure, I forgot to use "off."  Whop!  The grabber tool slipped off the grip on the pillow and bonked her right on the head.  She looked at me rather pathetically and laid her head on the pillow.

I told her I was sorry, but one thing about a dog who loves you: she will forgive you quickly, and in a pique of anger later, will never ever throw it up to you about the time you hit her in the head with your grabber tool.

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