Walnut Room this way

Walnut Room this way

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Final Challenge

We face our final challenge today in the groups class--the literal Challenge Course.  It is a grand way to complete our training on facilitating therapeutic groups!
The student on the right in the photo will be the group leader.  She has many years of experience and training on the Ropes Course and facilitating workshops, and since this is her area of intended practice, it was a perfect opportunity for our conclusion to the coursework.  We are calling it our Fun Final.  While they will have numerous opportunities to learn new therapy techniques and add to their skill base, it is also such a personal growth and learning experience that I can think of no better way to continue the professional development of understanding and using self in social work practice.

Although they still have the spring semester and the clinical internship to finish, it is the last class I will teach for them.  Best outcome ever!


Beth said...

I love their smiles! I'm sure they learned more from the Fun Final than in any other traditional classroom setting!

Suzassippi said...

It was amazing; I learned so much about what they have learned!